Natural Hijama Cupping

Extensive Procedures to Our Patients.

Hijama can help with arthritis, lower back pain, and other problems. It can also treat headaches, migraines, tooth pain, muscular pain, sciatica, and other types of pain. Cupping treatment can lower pain intensity by affecting pain transmission communication routes from a stimulating location to the brain and backward.

There are very few risks of cupping but be aware cupping can leave behind those hickey-like bruises on your skin and may worsen eczema or psoriasis. There is also a small risk of skin infection, especially if wet cupping is involved.

Contact us to schedule your Treatment today!

Is Hijama good or bad?

Most experts agree that cupping is safe. As long as those treated don't mind the circular discolorations (which fade over a number of days or weeks), side effects tend to be limited to the pinch experienced during skin suction.

In one of the Hadiths Prophet(SAW) recommended Cupping for Headache. When Prophet(SAWS) was afflicted by Magic he was cupped on his Head.

Is Hijama wet or dry?

In traditional medicine, Hijama is divided into two kinds, namely wet cupping (with sharat, with incision, and blood giving) and dry cupping (without sharat, without incision). Dry cupping causes organ blood absorption, organ warming, and loss of organ humidity.

According to research studies, it is recommended that cups should be on the skin for no more than 5-10 minutes. The residual marks left from cupping disappear in 1-10 days.

In which body part Hijama is done?

A provider places cups on your back, stomach, arms, legs or other parts of your body. A vacuum or suction force inside the cup pulls your skin upward. Cupping therapy is a form of traditional medicine that originated in China and West Asia. People have practiced this method for thousands of years.

The best days for cupping (hijama) are the 17th, 19th and 21st of the Islamic, lunar month which coincide with Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Address: 101 RM Center, Gulshan Avenue Road, Gulshan-2 1212 Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh

Mon – Sat 9 am to 8 pm
Sun – 10 am to 3 pm